Numeros spéciaux de revues (direction)
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M., Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2017, dir.). The Effect of Electoral Rules on Electoral Behaviour: A Comparative Approache. West European Politics, accepted.
Dassonneville, R. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2014, dir.). The Economic Voter and Economic Crisis. Acta Politica 49(4).
Articles avec comité de lecture
Dassonneville, R., Blais, A., Sevi, S., & Daoust, J. F. (2021). How citizens want their legislator to vote. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 46(2), 297-321.
Dassonneville, R. (2021). Change and continuity in the ideological gender gap a longitudinal analysis of left‐right self‐placement in OECD countries. European Journal of Political Research, 60(1), 225-238.
Nadeau, R., Dassonneville, R., Lewis-Beck, M. S. & Mongrain, P. (forthcoming). Are Election Results More Unpredictable? A Forecasting Test. Political Science Research and Methods, in press.
Dassonneville, R. & McAllister, I. (forthcoming). The Party Choice Set and Satisfaction with Democracy. West European Politics, in press.
Dassonneville, R. & Lewis-Beck, M. S. (forthcoming). Inequality and Party Support: Positional Economic Voting or a New Dimension of Valence? Regional Studies, in press.
Ferland, B. & Dassonneville, R. (forthcoming). Shifting Parties, Rational Switchers – Are Voters Responding to Ideological Shifts by Political Parties. Party Politics, in press.
Hooghe, M., Dassonneville, R. & Oser, J. (forthcoming). Public Opinion, Turnout and Social Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Policy Congruence in European Liberal Democracies. Political Studies, forthcoming.
Dassonneville, R. & Lewis-Beck, M. S. (2019). A Changing Economic Vote in Western Europe? Long-Term vs. Short-Term Forces. European Political Science Review, 11(1): 91-108.
Stiers, D. & Dassonneville, R. (forthcoming). Do Volatile Voters Vote Less Correctly? An Analysis of Correct Voting among Vote (Intention) Switchers in U.S. Presidential Election Campaigns. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, in press.
Dassonneville, R., Blais, A., Hooghe, M. & Deschouwer, K. (forthcoming). The Effects of Survey Mode and Sampling in Belgian Election Studies. A Comparison of a National Probability Face-to-Face Survey and a Non-Probability Internet Survey. Acta Politica, in press.
Voogd, R. & Dassonneville, R. (forthcoming). Are the Supporters of Populist Parties Loyal Voters? Dissatisfaction and Stable Voting for Populist Parties. Government & Opposition, in press.
Dassonneville, R., Feitosa, F. Hooghe, M., Lau, R. & Stiers, D. (2019). Compulsory Voting Rules, Reluctant Voters and Ideological Proximity Voting. Political Behavior, 41(1): 209-230.
Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2018). Explaining the Trump Vote: The Effect of Racist Resentment and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments. PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(3): 528–534.
Arel-Bundock, V., Blais, A. & Dassonneville, R. (forthcoming). Do Voters Benchmark Economic Performance? British Journal of Political Science, accepted.
Daoust, J.-F. & Dassonneville, R. (forthcoming). Beyond Nationalism and Regionalism: The Stability of Economic Voting in Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science, in press.
Dassonneville, R. (forthcoming). Electoral Volatility and Parties' Ideological Responsiveness. European Journal of Political Research, in press.
Dassonneville, R. & McAllister, I. (2018). Gender, Political Knowledge and Descriptive Representation: The Impact of Long-Term Socialization. American Journal of Political Science, 62(2): 249–265.
Vallée-Dubois, F., Dassonneville, R. & Godbout, J.-F. (forthcoming). About Time: Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Support for Quebec Sovereignty. Nations and Nationalism, in press.
Stiers, D. & Dassonneville, R. (forthcoming). Affect versus Cognition: Wishful Thinking in an Exit Poll. International Journal of Forecasting, 34(2): 199-215.
Dassonneville, R., Lewis-Beck, M.S. & Mongrain, P. (2017). Forecasting Dutch Elections. An Initial Model from the March 2017 Legislative Contests. Research & Politics, 4(3).
Dassonneville, R. & Grieb, A. (forthcoming). Partisanship and Political Sophistication During and Outside of Election Times: A Longitudinal Analysis Using the German SOEP Survey 1984-2012. German Politics, 27(1): 44-65.
Dassonneville, R. & Stiers, D. (forthcoming). Electoral Volatility in Belgium (2009-2014). Is there a Difference between Stable and Volatile Voters? Acta Politica, 53(1): 68-97.
Meeusen, C., Boonen, J. & Dassonneville, R. (2017). The Structure of Prejudice and its Relation to Party Preferences in Belgium: Flanders and Wallonia Compared. Psychologica Belgica, 57(3): 52-74.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2017). Do Electoral Rules have an Effect on Electoral Behaviour? An Impact Assessment. West European Politics, 40(3): 503-515.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M. & Miller, P. (2017). Compulsory Voting, Inequality, and Quality of the Vote: The Impact of Compulsory Voting on Accountability and Proximity Voting. West European Politics, 40(3): 621-644.
Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (2017). Voter Turnout Decline and Stratification. Quasi-Experimental and Comparative Evidence of a Growing Educational Gap. Politics, 37(2): 184-200.
Dassonneville, R. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2017). Rules, Institutions and the Economic Vote: Clarifying Clarity of Responsibility. West European Politics, 40(3): 621-644.
Miller, P. & Dassonneville, R. (2016). High Turnout in the Low Countries: Partisan Effects of the Abolition of Compulsory Voting. Electoral Studies, 44: 132-143.
Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (forthcoming). Indifference and Alienation. Diverging Dimensions of Electoral Dealignment in Europe. Acta Politica, 53(1): 1-23.
Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2018). A Spiral of Distrust. A Panel Study on the Relation between Political Distrust and Protest Voting in Belgium. Government & Opposition, 53(1): 104-130.
Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (2017). The Noise of the Vote Recall Question. The Validity of the Vote Recall Question in Panel Studies in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 29(2): 316-338.
Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (2017). Economic Indicators and Electoral Volatility: The Effect of the State of the Economy on Electoral Volatility, 1950-2013. Comparative European Politics, 15(6): 919-943.
Dejaeghere, Y. & Dassonneville, R. (2017). A Comparative Investigation into the Effects of Party-System Variables on Party Switching using Individual-Level Data. Party Politics, 23(2): 110-123.
Dassonneville, R. (2016). Volatile Voters, Short-Term Choices? An Analysis of the Vote Choice Determinants of Stable and Volatile Voters in Great Britain. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion &Parties, 26(3): 273-292.
Dassonneville, R., Claes, E. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2016). Punishing Local Incumbents for the Local Economy. Economic Voting in the 2012 Belgian Municipal Elections. Italian Political Science Review, 46(1): 3-22.
Marien, S., Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (2015). How Second Order are Local Elections? Voting Motives and Party Preferences in Belgian Municipal Elections. Local Government Studies, 41(6): 898-916.
Lewis-Beck, M.S. & Dassonneville, R. (2015). Comparative Election Forecasting: Further Insightsfrom Synthetic Models. Electoral Studies, 39(3): 275-283.
Dassonneville, R., Blais, A. & Dejaeghere, Y. (2015). Staying with the Party, Switching or Exiting? A Comparative Analysis of Determinants of Party Switching and Abstaining. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 25(3), 387-405.
Hooghe, M., Dassonneville, R. & Marien, S. (2015). The Impact of Education on the Development of Political Trust. Results from a Five Year Panel Study among Late Adolescents and Young Adults in Belgium. Political Studies, 63(1), 123-141.
Lewis-Beck, M.S. & Dassonneville, R. (2015). Forecasting Elections in Europe: Synthetic Models. Research and Politics, Jan 2015, 2(1).
Dassonneville, R. (2014). Political Sophistication and Vote Intention Switching. The Timing of Electoral Volatility in the 2009 German Election Campaign. German Politics, 23(3), 174-195.
Dassonneville, R. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2014). The Economic Voter and Economic Crisis. Acta Politica, 49(4), 369-371.
Dassonneville, R. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2014). Macroeconomics, Economic Crisis and Electoral Outcomes: A National European Pool. Acta Politica, 49(4), 372-394.
Dassonneville, R. & Dejaeghere, Y. (2014). Bridging the Ideological Space. A Cross-National Analysis of the Distance of Party Switching. European Journal of Political Research, 53(3), 580-599.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M. & Vanhoutte, B. (2014). Partisan Dealignment in Germany: A Rejoinder to Russell Dalton. German Politics, 23(1/2), 145-155.
Dassonneville, R. & Dejaeghere, Y. (2014). Onderzoek uitgelicht: De ideologische afstand tussen partijen. Een vergelijkende studie naar de overbrugde afstand bij partijwissels. Res Publica: Tijdschrift voor Politicologie, 56(3), 408-411.
Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2014). Party Members as an Electoral Linking Mechanism. AnElection Forecasting Model for Political Parties in Belgium, 1981-2010. Party Politics, 20(3), 368-380.
Dassonneville, R. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (2013). Economic Policy Voting and Incumbency: Unemployment in Western Europe. Political Science Research and Methods, 1(1), 53-66.
Dassonneville, R. (2013). Questioning Generational Replacement. An Age, Period and Cohort Analysis of Electoral Volatility in the Netherlands, 1971-2010. Electoral Studies, 32(1), 37-47.
Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2013). Voters and Candidates of the Future. The Intention for Electoral Participation among Adolescents in 22 European Countries. Young: the Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 21(1), 1-28.
Dassonneville, R. (2012). Electoral Volatility, Political Sophistication, Trust and Efficacy: A Study on Changes in Voter Preferences during the Belgian Regional Elections of 2009. Acta Politica, 47(1), 18-41.
Dassonneville, R., Quintelier, E., Hooghe, M. & Claes, E. (2012). The Relation between Civic Education and Political Attitudes and Behavior: A Two-Year Panel Study among Belgian Late Adolescents. Applied Developmental Science, 16(3), 140-150.
Dassonneville, R. (2012). Ontzuiling van kiesgedrag. Een proces van generationele vervanging gedreven door cognitieve mobilisatie? Een age-period-cohort analyse van stemmen voor CDA en PvdA in Nederland, 1971-2010. Res Publica: Tijdschrift voor Politicologie, 54(3), 333-360.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M. & Vanhoutte, B. (2012). Age, Period and Cohort Effects in the Decline of Party Identification in Germany. An Analysis of a Two Decade Panel Study in Germany (1992-2009). German Politics, 21(2), 209-227.
Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (2012). Election Forecasting under Opaque Conditions. A Model for Francophone Belgium, 1981-2010. International Journal of Forecasting, 28(4), 777-788.
Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2011). The Effects of Civic Education on Political Knowledge. A Two Year Panel Survey among Belgian Adolescents. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 23(4), 321-339.
Dassonneville, R. (2010). Negatieve verkiezingscampagnes en de gevolgen op kiesintenties. De Vlaamse regionale verkiezingen van juni 2009. Res Publica: Tijdschrift voor Politicologie, 52(3), 353-372.
Autres articles
Deschouwer, K., Baudewyns, P., Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M., Pilet, J.-B., Rihoux, B. & Walgrave, S. (2015). Gegoochel met ‘dode zielen’? Samenleving en Politiek, 22(2), 76-80.
Dassonneville, R. & Baudewyns, P. (2014). Transferts de voix, flux électoraux et électeurs mobiles. Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, nr. 2225, 9-19.
Dassonneville, R. & Baudewyns, P. (2014). Volatiliteit: veel beweging, geen aardverschuiving. Samenleving en Politiek, 21(9), 5-16.
Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (2013). Waar komen de lokale N-VA kiezers vandaan? Samenleving en Politiek, 20(1), 65-75.
Quintelier, E., Verhelst, J. & Dassonneville, R. (2011). Hoe ’traditioneel’ zijn socialistische kiezers? Samenleving en Politiek, 18(8), 32-39.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M., Marien, S. & Pilet, J.-B. (Eds.) (2013). De lokale kiezer: Het kiesgedrag bij de Belgische gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van oktober 2012. Brussel: ASP.
Pilet, J.-B., Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M. & Marien, S. (Eds.) (2014). L’électeur local. Le comportement électoral au scrutin communal de 2012. Bruxelles: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles.
Chapitres de livres
Dassonneville, R. (2018). La montée du populisme est-elle réelle? In: La politique en questions. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M. & Debus, M. (2017). ‘Economic voting in a federal country: Overcomingthe limited clarity of responsibility.’ In: K. Deschouwer (ed.) Mind the Gap: Political Participation andRepresentation in Belgium. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Dassonneville, R., Baudewyns, P., Debus, M. & Schmitt-Beck, R. (2017). ‘The time of the vote choice in Belgium. Causes and consequences of late deciding.’ In: K. Deschouwer (ed.) Mind the Gap: Political Participation and Representation in Belgium. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Dassonneville, R. (2017). Economics and Political Behavior. In: F. Moghaddam (Ed.). SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Quintelier, E., Verhelst, J. & Dassonneville, R. (2011). How Traditional is the Flemish and Walloon Socialist Electorate? In: Vermeersch, W. (Ed.), Belgian Society and Politics 2011 - The Leftamidst a Nationalist Surge (pp. 102-110). Gent: Stichting Gerrit Kreveld.
Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2012). De invloed van lessen over politiek op politieke kennis bij jongeren. In: Hooghe, M. (Ed.), Jongeren, politiek en burgerschap. Politieke socialisatie bij Belgische jongeren, Chapt 6 (pp. 95-109). Leuven: Acco.
Quintelier, E., Dassonneville, R. & Claes, E. (2012). De invloed van burgerschapsopvoeding op school op politieke houdingen. In: Hooghe, M. (Ed.), Jongeren, politiek en burgerschap. Politiekesocialisatie bij Belgische jongeren, Chapt 1 (pp. 21-33). Leuven: Acco.
Dassonneville, R. & Hooghe, M. (2013). Determinants of Electoral Volatility. Where did the N-VA find its Local Support? In: Vermeersch, W. (Ed.), As Ever, In Between Elections (pp. 19-26). Gent: Stichting Gerrit Kreveld.
Marien, S., Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2013). Het belang van lokale argumenten en loyaliteiten: Het verschil tussen federale en lokale stemvoorkeuren. In: Dassonneville R. et. al. (Eds.), De lokale kiezer: Het kiesgedrag bij de Belgische gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2012, Chapt 3 (pp.67-91). Brussel: ASP.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M. & Marien, S. (2013). Partijtrouw en volatiliteit in lokale verkiezingen. In: Dassonneville R. et. al. (Eds.), De lokale kiezer: Het kiesgedrag bij de Belgische gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2012, Chapt 2 (pp. 35-66). Brussel: ASP.
Dassonneville, R., Hooghe, M., Marien, S. & Pilet, J. (2013). De gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 14 oktober 2012. Algemene tendensen. In: Dassonneville R. et. al. (Eds.), De lokale kiezer:Het kiesgedrag bij de Belgische gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2012, Chapt 1 (pp. 9-33). Brussel: ASP.
Dassonneville, R. & Baudewyns, P. (2014). Volatility: Much Movement but no Earthquake. In: Vermeersch, W. (Ed.), Behind the Landslide Elections of May 2014 (pp. 5-15). Ghent: StichtingGerrit Kreveld.
Dassonneville, R., Baudewyns, P. & Willocq, S. (2015). Personalisering en electorale volatiliteit. In: Deschouwer, K. et al. (Eds.), De kiezer ontcijferd. Lannoo Campus: Tielt (pp. 41-56).
Dassonneville, R., Baudewyns, P. & Willocq, S. (2015). La volatilité électorale. In: Deschouwer, K. et al. (Eds.), Décrypter l’électeur. Le comportement électoral et les motivations du vote. Lannoo Campus: Tielt (pp. 42-57).
Dassonneville, R. (2017). Age and Voting. In: Arzheimer, K., Evans, J. & Lewis-Beck, M.S. (Eds.), The Handbook of Electoral Behavior. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Thèses et mémoires